Friday 9 January 2015

Evaluation; How did you attract/ address your audience?

When trying to attract our audience we used different techniques to keep them interested in watching the film. For example the sound. We wanted our opening to be quiet and not have much sound (only diegetic sound). This was so that we could keep our audiences attention, it gives the film mystery and you wonder what is going to happen next. When showing our film opening to others, they liked the fact that there was no sound, I think that it adds drama and suspense. I feel like if I added other sound that was non diegetic, then it would of taken away the suspense from the opening.

The main actor in the opening was wearing pyjamas, we decided this would make him look weak and vulnerable. I feel like the audience would have understood this and therefore would feel sympathetic towards the boy. Our props where very 'homely' and are realistic e.g. objects in the house/ the setting of the film. When we used the shot of all the cupboards being opened I feel like this would have shocked the audience, this would have grabbed their attention and therefore they would be interested in seeing what happens next. In addition I feel like the realistic setting would have been a reminder of reality to the audience, it can make them feel as if they understand the boy because it is a similar reality to themselves e.g. a normal family house.

We wanted our film to be interesting for our audience and therefore we only chose one actor to act one part of the opening, it shows that he is alone and vulnerable and therefore the audience will keep watching because its obvious somebody is watching him/ wants him for something.

As you can see, he is a normal child which brings a sense of reality to the film and the film opening.

The narrative plays a big role in attracting the audience, if the story line was boring and didn't make sense then the audience would not want to keep watching the film. Therefore we left the beginning/ opening of the film on a cliff hanger due to the writing added in saying "10 years earlier", you are not aware of what happens to the boy, which is something you will find out during the rest of the film, this then keeps the audiences attention and makes them interested in watching the rest of the movie. I feel like we have captured the audiences attention very well and therefore I am pleased with the outcome of the opening.

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