Thursday 8 January 2015

Evaluation; Who would be the audience for your media product?

We had already planned previously who our media product would be targeted at e.g. age and gender and social groups, this was a simple decision to make because we decided in our plot that the rest of the film would include scenes of violence and crime and therefore the certificate of the film would be a 15.

The age of our audience was roughly around 15 too 35, this is because it would be inappropriate for people under the age of 15.  We decided to collect data on the types of people who like thrillers, we found that the age of audiences where from 15 to 35 years old, this is because thrillers are interesting to this age of people. Our film is appropriate for both genders; boys and girls because thrillers are very open to a wide range of ages and social groups.

When researching (before making our final product), me and my group decided to do a questionnaire to some of our class, this is so that it would help us when thinking of ideas for a film. One of the questions asked about the target audience of our film, it said "what age group would you say thrillers should be targeted at" our most common result was 15 to 35, therefore when editing and creating our film we made sure that it would suit this audience.  I feel like it successfully targets our audience, even though the main character of the film opening is young, it still targets our audience because they will be able to feel sympathy for him due to his age, this is because they are older than him. We decided that our target audience is 15 years and over, our questionnaires helped us to decide this.

Our plot involves going back in time to past events that have occurred in the house after the film  opening, it is made clear that this is going to happen because before our film opening finishes we edited in font saying "10 Years Earlier". This would then keep our audience interested and make them want to find out the rest of the story line. I think that this is good for our target audience because they need to want to watch the rest of the film, the style of our film ensures this.

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