Thursday 8 January 2015

Evaluation; What kind of media institution might disturb your media product and why?

During he planning of our coursework we thought that 21st Century Fox was a good production to use, however when we began to edit the clips together and add fonts/titles it was clear that this wasn't the right production for our film, we felt as if the company's film opening was too bright and didn't suit the genre of Forsaken. On the other hand Lions Gate seemed better, this is because we preferred the opening with Lions Gate and I feel like the darkness of the background and the bold writing stands out more and creates more mystery before the film opening begins. 

Here is an example of the Lions Gate Production opening;

When editing, we decided to put this video clip as the first clip in our opening, we found that this was a popular method of editing in other films that we have researched like The Ring, this is because the film production is the most important thing about a film and it should be made clear who produced it.

About Lions Gate; 
Lionsgate is a public corporation. It was founded in July 3, 1997 by Frank Giustra. They have head quarters in Santa Monica, California and United States
Lionsgate also possess their own record label and music publishing company called Lionsgate Music and Publishing.


Films by Lions Gate;

We also chose Lions Gate because they create many good top grossing films, some also of the thriller genre for example Jessabelle. Jessabelle is a thriller/ horror about a girl trapped inside her house, this plot is similar to the plot for Forsaken, and therefore choosing Lions Gate would mean that our film would be successful and produced well.

Overall I am happy that we have chosen Lions Gate to distub our media product because it is effective and well known, I feel like it suits Forsaken better than other film companies like 21st Century Fox and Paramount.

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