Monday 12 January 2015

Evaluation; What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Before our preliminary task and my thriller coursework, I did not have much experience with the equipment that we used, however I found them easier to get the hand of. I already had experience with computers, however for this project we used Apple Mac computers, these were new too me, however I found them easier after a few lessons and think that this technology has helped a lot in making a better final product. I used the Apple Macs to upload our shots, we then used imovie and garage band to edit the opening and add music/ sound effects. Due to money, we could not afford the most expensive equipment and therefore used a simple camera/ recorder when filming. We also used objects such as a tripod, we used this object when panning the camera on shots such as when our character was walking to the front door, and when the cupboards opened in the kitchen. I found it easier to use a tripod for this due to the fact it kept the camera steady, it also made it look professional and gave it a better effect. In addition to this equipment I also used my mobile phone, this helped me take pictures of us filming and of the setting/ place where we filmed. I also used it to take photos of our work/ ideas about our product. In addition to this technology I was able to downloaded the blogger app, to help me blog from my phone, making it easier to upload photo's, it also meant that I was very active and up to date when blogging.

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