Monday 12 January 2015

Evaluation; Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

I feel as if we have come far from the preliminary task and I have learnt new things for example;

  • Different camera shots/angles/movement 
  • How to edit using imovie
  • How to create sound and add effects on Garage Band
  • I have developed more knowledge about mise en scene 
  • Learnt how to use film conventions/ how to portray particular social groups in a film
  • Discovered how to adjust lighting to feelings and atmospheres of characters/ actions 
  • Learnt how to handle the camera/ create different effects with different shots 
  • I have learnt how to create continuity and a smoothly running selection of shots
When we first did our preliminary task, me and my group were unsure of the rules of camera work and ways to make a good media product/ film. This is because we did not have much time to play around with the equipment e.g the camera. Our preliminary product was very short however we met the time limit that was asked for. I think that our final product for the preliminary task was ok, it included everything we needed for example match on action, the 180 degree rule and continuity. However it was very simple and not very interesting. In comparison to my final thriller coursework me and my group have come very far, we have learnt more about the camera work and editing needed to produce a good final piece. I enjoyed making the media product and I feel like it went well. I am proud of the different camera angles we thought of when filming for example the high angle shot of the stairs and the pan of the cupboards open,  I would say, compared to my preliminary task we have shown good knowledge on media conventions for example camera work, editing and mise en scene. In our preliminary task we didn't really have the correct amount of time to portray all of these things. I feel like our final piece of thriller coursework is professional and represents the emotions and the narrative of characters and genre. We have included different props and costume in our thriller opening however, in our preliminary task we didn't have the correct appliances for this.

For example; the lighting in our preliminary task was very bright and natural, this was because we were unable to control the lighting in our shots, this is due to the fact our preliminary task was filmed during school time and there were students around. However compared to my thriller opening the lighting is dark and represents the feelings of the character and what may be about to happen. For example the scene where the boy goes up the stairs to check what sound he heard, the lighting changed here from homely/ natural to dark and mysterious. I think that we have come tremendously far from our preliminary task, I am very happy with the final outcome of our coursework product, this is because me and my group have learnt a lot about media and its conventions. I have thoroughly enjoyed creating this film opening and I am happy over what we/I have achieved. 

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