Wednesday 25 March 2015

Evaluation; my role in filming/ managing

My Role in Filming;
Within our group we all made sure to take in terms filming, this is so that we were all able to experience dealing with the filming. Before filming we decided that we would each use the camera for 50 minutes each time, this is due to the fact we where going to be filming for about 2 and a half hours.

here are some examples of the shots that I have taken;

The fridge scene was filmed by me, I directed the actor to make sure that the continutity was right for example the scene consisted of the boy looking in the fridge whilst he hears a sound, it then cuts to the stove and cuts back to a close up of his face, this meant that he had to stay in the same place one we had cut back to his expression and therefore I had to make sure that the continuity was right.

These two shots of filming were managed by 2 people from the group from 2 different cameras. This was so that we could use continuity from two different clips. I filmed the first scene and another group member filmed the other scene at the same time. I am very happy with the outcome after editing with this shot because it looks professional and the continuity is very good.

Before planning the filming some of the scenes we filmed we didn't think of until we were actually filming for example; I came up with the idea to have the cupboards open unexpectedly, I feel like without this shot it would not of completed the opening and therefore I am happy that I came up with the idea.

The fact that we all took it in turns to film made the experience better for example we were all able to have equal chances at filming the scenes , the fact that we planned out who was filming what (on my production decisions blog) made it an easier quicker procedure, however filming did  take longer than 2 and a half hours due to other disruptions from the setting, in spite of this we still managed to film all of our film opening in one day, this made it easy because we were able to have all the clips that we needed so we could get straight on with editing.

My Role in Editing
Editing was carried out by all members of the group, similar to filming. However we all made different types of decisions in editing, sometimes it was hard to all agree on one thing for example the lighting or titles, however this helped us because it made sure that our film was created to the best of all our abilities.

My editing decisions consisted on things such as; type of font/size to have (although all members of the group all agreed on the font/ size), we all helped with aspects such as continuity for example a member of the group would be editing and we would all input our opinions on whether it was continuous or not. I also came up with the idea to make the lighting darker/ more professional on some scenes for example the first scene of the hand held camera walking up to the door. I think that this decision made the atmosphere and the setting of the scene look more mysterious and effective. In addition I also suggested some sound effects for example the dial tone on the phone and the doorbell. I think that these completed the film opening and made them seem more professional and effective.

We all decided to use a dissolve transition in the kitchen scene (this is when the main character hears a noise).

Even though it does not show a continuous effect it shows the passing through time for example the time that has passed from the last scene, we had to chose to put this transition in this scene because when we were filming the opening there was a continuity error with the camera work, therefore I think that the group made a good decision to add the transition to fix the problem.

Some aspects of editing was hard to do individually, due to the fact everybody in the group had to make decisions on different transitions, sound etc. However I feel like due to all of our inputs in all aspects of creating Forsaken helped and created a good outcome.

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